zondag 13 februari 2011

Love everything about my sweetie(s) ;-)

Since tomorrow is Valentines day...
Since I fell in love with My minds Eyes papers...
Since I'm a sucker for my sweeties...,
I decided to join MME at their challenge this time.
Still a bit nervous about that, since I'm only a scrapper for a short time now. And he: it's My Minds Eye!!!

Anyway this is the sketch for the layout or project(!):

And since most people join with a layout, I thought: let's be original, and join with a project LOL
I used this sketch TWICE(!) (I'm a bit proud of myself) in the same project.
Once on the lid, and once on the side of the jar. When you look at the one on the side, you can also see the outlining of the can as the square from the sketch.

Here we go:

The paper I've used is State of the heart by MME.
I've put in some lace I still had.

The edges of the paper 'at the window', are distressed with Victorian Velvet.
The die cuts on top of the lid and those at the window are the same. I cut them out of the packaging!!!

And I almost forgot: the jar is filled with heart shaped candy!

Well, I'm happy with it.
Hope my lovely and very sweet daughter will be happy with it as well!


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